Range of Products

Ornamental plants for industry

New Products

Optima Planta is heavily invested in R&D to increase the product range.

The research for each specific crop is deemed successful if a set of cultivation processes enable products to a new market, an existing product that can be made at a better quality for the customer and/or a product that can substantially reduce its environmental foot print.

Products as of Now

Products in production: Philodendron hederaceum, Plectranthus scutellarioides, Tradescantia fluminensis, Plectranthus Ernstii and Pelargonium graveolens

Coming soon...

Various crops are tested and released commercially, from exotic plants to common ornamentals – all of which are optimized to a new infrastructure of growing plants using aeroponics and numerical optimization.

Focus segments: Perennials, Trees and shrubs, Container plants, Annuals and Climbers

Facility Uppsala, Sweden

Approximately 200,000 plants annually are produced in Uppsala with a joint R&D department.

The R&D department is both commercial and academic in the form of industry partnership with the Swedish Universitiy of Agricultural Sciences and Uppsala University.